Ways Our DSPs Are Wonderful

Today’s DSP Appreciation theme is “Ways Our DSPs Are Wonderful.”

While so many beautiful adjectives and phrases describe this important part of our workforce, we found that our message was summed up this way:

“A special thanks to all of our Noble DSPs for your patience, dedication and caring spirit. Thank you for the support and encouragement you provide to the individuals you serve. The smiles and laughter you share brighten everyone’s day!”

Shining the DSP Appreciation Week spotlight on Cole ChavezIt is on that note that we turn the spotlight to today’s featured DSP: Cole Chavez of our Business Enterprises team.

Although fairly new to Noble, Cole has quickly become a favorite of both individuals served and his colleagues. Cole takes the time to get to know the folks he works with, and uses what he learns to develop a full day of active and engaging programs.

By introducing activities like soccer, baseball, badminton and basketball, he is helping others see how talented and competitive the folks we serve are. They are excited to be supported by Noble, and Cole makes Noble better through his passion, dedication, creativity, and energy.

A big shout out to all of our DSPs for their tireless commitment to the people we serve and to filling such an important role in our community’s workforce.

Let us know if you’re interested in joining the Noble team. We’d love to talk with you!