Giving Back to Our Community

The people we serve volunteered over 11,300 hours in the past yearWe all have an innate need to impact our community, to make the world a better place.

When you think of people with disabilities, you may think of them as being on the receiving end of assistance.

But did you know that people served through Noble often spend their time volunteering for other organizations?

In fact, the people we serve volunteered over 11,300 hours of their time in the past year?

If you convert that volunteerism into a monetary impact of $8 an hour, that’s over $90,000 pumped into our economy!

Talk about impact!

The dozens of organizations the people we serve are volunteering at would agree.

So if you need volunteers at your organization, let us know.

Partnerships like this make our community a better place for all of us.

Thank you for your support!