Make Your Vote Count in November

Exercise your civic duty and vote this NovemberNo matter where you stand on the issues, and what your political philosophy is, it is critical that you participate in the 2020 election by voting.

As Noble/The Arc of Greater Indianapolis, our role is to help you access the information you need in order to make informed decisions at the polls.

The Arc of Indiana has put together a thorough 2020 Election Guide as part of a statewide effort to help families, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, caregivers and providers register to vote and be engaged in the 2020 elections.

As a 501c3 not-for-profit organization, we are not permitted to champion one candidate over another. Our role is not to endorse candidates or tell you how to vote. Rather, as advocates for you and your loved ones, we must fulfill our duty to provide you with information and resources so you can be an informed voter.

The Arc of Indiana Election Guide includes information from the candidates running for U.S. President and for the office of Governor of Indiana. This guide also includes information about who are Indiana’s congressional candidates, how to determine which district you reside in, and how to contact them.

You will also find important information on registering to vote, voter ID requirements, absentee voting and accessibility for voters with disabilities.

As Election Day nears, we encourage you to reach out to your candidates for state and federal office to learn what their position is on issues that are important to you and your family.